Tuesday, April 28, 2009

200 Subscribers on Youtube!:)

Hey guys, guess wot! Ive got 200 subscribers now on youtube! My 200th subscriber is buncobuddy and I did promise myself that if, IF, one day I do reach 200 subbies, the 200th one will receive a handmade card from me, anyone from my blog, or a specialised and personalised one. I honestly was not expecting that many subscribers.

I started making videos to prove a point to myself that I can do it after I have taken a 2 hours course at work on windows movie maker. Then , when I started, I was not confident and found it to be more of a hassle than anything.But I have had so many positive feedback, and encouragement , among which were from Cazzy and LazyKay:) that I carried on and then more and more positive comments came my way. The more comments I had, the more eager I was to make the videos.

It takes time to make, yes, on youtube its only ten mins, but when I actually make them, it takes longer and then I edit them.I am not very good at making them in one go. And to publish them on my PC takes about one hour or more and to then upload on youtube is another couple of hours...Okay fair enough when its being uploaded I can get on with other things, but, I still have to check whether it has failed and stuff and when it is finally uploaded, then I have to watch it again to add any notes ect...Anyway , I do enjoy making them so, I hope you do enjoy watching them as much as I do while making them.

Bye for now and I hope my luckly 200th subscriber will get back to me asap.

Lotsa love and hugs,


  1. Waw congrats on 200th subcriber! Hugs, moni

  2. SO pleased you're getting some feedback - I'm glad you've persevered and that you're finally getting the credit that's due to you.


  3. Wow 2oo suscriber i so happy for this congratulations ,you are the best ...Laura


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