Hi everyone!
Thanks to everyone who made that special prayer for my dad.He is not great, but I strongly believe he is getting better and will only get better from here. I have been so down today and nothing appealed to me. I have cried until I had no tears left...did you ever feel like this? You still wanted to cry, but no tears were actually coming out.So I had a long hot bath and decided to have an early night.I guess I have never ever felt so empty and lonely.I came to the conclusion that , in life, you lose something, to gain something.
So, the price to pay for living away from my parents is this:-you miss them like crazy and you feel helpless.
Anyway, enough of my moans.I was checking my youtube channel and thought that maybe the background needed to change as the cards there were for my friend who has passed away recently and everytime I look at it, it saddens me to a great extent.But on the other hand,I want them there as a memory...So while I was debating what to do, I saw my FIRST Special Gold Award...'Most viewed today!..I couldn't believe it! I am thrilled!And this is because of your support guys! A big thank you to all my subscribers,those who watch my videos, and those who leave me a comment...thanks a lot!
Bye for now peeps,
I have promised some valentine cards videos this weekend but I am not sure...I will see.Sunday I will be on my own for the day so maybe it will be ideal to do some then.
Take care and speak to you all soon,
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thank you Subscribers!!
Soliciting your prayers...
Hi there,
Hope you are all well...
I am sorry but I am making a special request again :Please pray for my dad, for his speedy recovery.I have received a text this morning he is sick again.
The fact that He has never been sick as such, and the fact he is texting me to tell me, I feel he is very poorly and would like me to know.I am praying for him and would like all those of you who cares for me, to pray for him as well.
Thanks a lot.It is always good to know, that , during times like this, both my friends and my virtual friends(since I have never met you guys), give me so much support.
Bye and speak to you soon,
Take care
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Blog Candy
Wouldn't you celebrate if you were Kim? She is cardmaker of the year 2008 (Papercraft Essential Magazine) and she is celebrating with a fantastic blog candy.
Make sure you visit her blog HERE for a chance to win.
Congratulations Kim!:)
Congratulations Card
Hi Everyone!
Bye for now:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I don't normally post at this time but I need all of you to pray for my Dad's speedy recovery.
Thanks everyone!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Blog Award

Interview with Charli
Hey everyone!
This is called the 'Interview Game' and feel free to play along.Check out the rules so you know what you should do.
Today I am not going to post any card - not yet - but I would like to share this interview with you. Charli has asked me the following questions and this is how it goes:-
1. If you could receive one small package this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it?
It would be a letter from someone I haven't seen in a long time. Anyone who values my friendship. A letter where I can see the handwriting, a letter where I can go back in time and smile.
2. If you could read the private diary of someone you know would you do it? (If they would never find out...)
No.I feel strongly about the fact that 'what goes around comes around'.I have had opportunities to do this before, and I cannot bring myself to do it as I know, if it was me, I would be devastated if someone reads mine.So, NO, I never will.And at the bottom page of my blog, it reads:Do not do unto others what you do not want them do unto you, and I stand by this.
3. If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be? (Or how about TEN words?)
Hated school
Trouble maker
Big hearted
Loved a good laugh
Loved doodling
Anything but sleep
Couldn't wait to grow up
4. What is the best time you've ever had with your family?
My best time was when I was at home, with everyone, sitting down and chatting.Laughing about silly things.
5. Where is the most beautiful place in the world?
My heart.I find refuge in my heart and my heart has to be right , so I can be happy.The place doesn't matter to me as long as I feel happy in my heart.
The Rules
•Leave me a comment requesting an interview.
•I will e-mail you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
•You then answer the questions on your blog.
•You should also post these rules along with an offer to interview anyone else who e-mails you wanting to be interviewed.
•Anyone who asks to be interviewed should be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog.
•It would be nice if the questions were individualized for each blogger.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hi everyone!
I spoke to Amias, one of Suzanne's closest friend and I do feel better. I know that sometimes, some people will think that virtual friendship are not like real world friendship, but I have found genuine friends in my virtual/blog land and some are even closest to me than those I see everyday!!!!So I will use this post to say thank you to all my friends, whom I have never met but who are there for me, at the touch of my keypad!Thanks everyone!
And I noticed todays word in the online Dictionary is 'Talisman'.....Well, you might think 'yeah? and so...?' Well guys, my name is Tassy but short for Taslimah. And I have had people calling me Tasliman before either to tease me, or genuinely making a mistake and asked me if my dad named me like so because of the beautiful meaning it had! So let's celebrate this word which is so similar to my real name, hahahaha.
Word of the Day Archive Saturday January 24, 2009
talisman \TAL-is-muhn, TAL-iz-muhn\, noun:
1. an object, such as a ring, engraved with figures supposed to have magic power; charm
2. anything that seems to produce extraordinary results
Now suppose I have magic power and can produce extraordinary results, what would you ask from me?
I must leave you on these notes for now and hope to speak to you soon.
Special thank yous to my You tube subscriber...Please dont stop watching and subscribing.Love ya all,
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tribute to lovely Suzanne
Another shock today.I went to Suzanne's blog since I was thinking I haven't heard from her for a while now.I have been so engrossed with so many things recently that the last time I visited her blog was in December and left her a comment.
But today I have just realised, she is no more.She passed away on Christmas eve.
Suzanne was someone who always used to leave me encouraging comments and she always , always told me how beautiful and inspiring my blog was. When I did a card using the Kitchen Sink stamps, she fell in love with it. She loved it so much that I made a complete project to send her.This is the link to see what I have made specially for her:HERE.
I sent her everything and she was so happy to receive them.She even told me about her plan to open a gift shop, with exclusive handmade products and would like me to send her more of my creations so she could sell them for me.She really made me feel good about myself and her blog always made me laugh or smile.She was someone I have never met personally, but always felt as though I have known forever.We have planned to meet up for coffee when she visits London.
But she has passed away.I cannot describe my sadness but she was a very strong woman.She is now not here with us and I do wish she rests in peace.She will be missed terribly.I have lost a friend who did care about me, about what I had to say, about what I do....I miss you Suzanne and hope you rest in peace.
With lots of love,
This is Suzanne's blog.
Lots of love card
Hi everyone!
This is another video I made using the Free stamp set which comes with the Cardmaking and Papercraft Magazine Issue 62(February). I hope you enjoy this video and check out my previous video using the same stamp set and , there is one more coming soon.
You can use the same layout with different stamps of course.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Sad truth about some people about there...
Hi everyone,
I am writing today, feeling angry and sad at the same time. I have had issues with people hacking into my emails before....but this is the very first time, someone hacked into my account, emailed nasty things to my friends on my list and also, I suppose it is the very same person who keeps leaving negative comment on my blog.The reason these comments have never been published is because, my comments are on moderation.So, I get to see the comments first, then if I want to publish them , I do so.But recently, I have had to delete some comments which were irrelevant.I really didn't allow them to bother me, as I thought, it was just one of those things to have haters.That 'person' was always telling me negative things on my videos, my blog, my cards...I thought at first they were just personal opinion, and I do believe that anyone should be entitled to their own opinion and thought, if that person doesn't like what I do, then, it is fine.But I cannot stop doing what I am doing as , against the one nasty comment, I have so many other positive comments where people like what I am doing and want to see more of my creations.
And on the other hand, I cannot stop since, I do what I do, first and foremost for myself. The blog exists because I wanted to have somewhere to keep my cards and creations, and also, I wanted to share what I do with you guys.And, my aim is not to have a crowd of admirers or anything like that. My aim is to share, to inspire and to be able to help with any questions about crafting or Art.So, even though , I have had comments like 'your blog is not interesting', it doesn't bother me.I do know that 'haters' exist and some are just jealous, others are just expressing how they feel, and by all means, do go ahead and express yourselves!I am not going to stop you all.
But, hacking my account and emailing my friends, posing as 'ME' so that to create a bad impression of 'ME' is plain dumb silly!First of all, I do not believe in swearing as , those who swear have a lack of vocabulary...this is my opinion.So for you, whoever you are, to go and email those swearings to my friends...it is so out of order.My friends knew it wasn't me...its so out of charactor.
Now I am talking to you because it is very obvious you(the hacker) read my blog - What is your problem? What is your real issue? Once you called me a 'paki' and you said you hate my blog.To start with , I am not from Pakistan and secondly, if you hate my blog, why do you bother visiting it and leaving a comment. Why do you feel so compelled to do so?Now, no matter what your problem is, all I want to say to you is: Get out of my face.I have been very patient with you.I am fed up with you and your nonsense. And get this once and for all, I am not going to stop blogging...I am not going to stop what I love the most.And this is the first and last time I am talking to you directly and I am doing so openly so you know, all my friends now know about you.And if you think you can bully me and get away with it, you are so damn wrong.
I will really appreciate if you can just leave me alone.I repeat, I will never stop blogging or doing everything you see on here.
To all my friends: I would like to apologise to you guys for my non-crafting post today as I had to talk about this since, this blog also nearly got hacked.I managed to sort it out.But my facebook account got hacked and my email has been hacked.If any of you , on my friends list , has received a 'weird' email with lots of swearings from me recently, you know it wasn't me.But everything is sorted now and this time, I have put into place a security system whereby, none of my email can be hacked, and if someone tries, their IP address can be tracked down...
I was going to voice over my video today but I will leave it for the week end!
Bye for now everyone and sorry to all my subscribers for this post.I hope you understand.
Take care and lots of love to you , my friends, my crafty buddies, my friends from blogland...and my family and new visitors!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Lots of love...
Hi everyone,
When I received my Cardmaking and Papercraft magazine yesterday, I was really really excited to see the free gift which came with it! The FREE stamps , designed by Dulcie Jackson is just fantastic.They are cute and so versatile as you can use them for many occasions.
I have made this video tutorial and hope you enjoy it.If you do not have these stamps, you can still use the same layout with other stamps.And if you want more information on how to get hold on this stamp, visit the cardmaking and papercraft website HERE.
Hope you like this card and come back soon for more video tutorial using this stamp set(I fell in love with this set:)
Rate and comment or simply say hello as I like to know who has visited me.
Bye for now,

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gold leaf
Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone is keeping well. As promised, here is the 'Vintage card, yet elegant'(in my opinion).I had to upload them, add the watermark and you know the story.And also, I am sorry that I have been quiet...I know that my subscribers and regular visitors would like to see some projects.Believe me when I say that, making cards and painting are things I am passionate about.But it is just that I am not feeling too good at the moment.I am hoping to do some painting this week end and will try to post them.They are part of my portfolio and also, there will be stuffs I need to do for my after school club at work.
Anyway , here we go.
These are the materials I have used and you will notice the Gold leaf on the right. I bought them a year ago and haven't used them much...I have used distress ink, glue pad, cutter kit by Stampin Up which includes the distress tool, flourish background stamp which is the 'Damask' clear stamp by Flourishes.
And also a vintage dress stamp...I cannot remember which company is this from...Right now, I really do not have the energy to find the stamp.If you would like to know drop me a comment, I will get back to you.
Okay , as far as I can remember I did take pictures of the steps when I was using the glue pad and gold leaf but for some reasons I cannot find them.Because this was back in December, I can't even remember if I saved them somewhere and what not.But I can tell you how I achieved this.It is pretty easy. I have stamped the Damask stamp with the glue pad. The glue pad comes with a spongy pad, which is new and dry.It comes with a bottle of special glue.You then need to apply the glue to the spongy pad and it is then ready to be used. So, then, I have stamped the image onto a white card which I have previously inked lightly with the distress ink.I then pick up a gold leaf(this is very flimsy, you got to be careful with it, give it much love and tenderness:)
Then apply the gold leaf onto your stamped image.Try to smooth the leaf down as much as you can, but as gently as you can otherwise you can tear it.Even though if this does happen, it is not the end of the world as you can add a piece of leaf on top of the exposed area and continue the same process.When you are happy that the leaf has been stuck down properly, take a sponge and buff over the leaf , again very gently. What will happen now is, the glued area will remain in place revealing your the design of your image.I love, love , love this.Mind you, there will pieces of gold leaf everywhere...on your fingers, your desk, your face, your hair...but they will go when you wash them.
Love it!
This is a patterned paper from.....ooops,I don't know!Can't remember!I haven't been very good this time with my tutorial, have I!So sorry...I think it is papermania...I will try and put more info in my comment section by this week end!I trimmed around the edge and this is my favourite pair of scissors by Fiskars.No one is allowed to touch this or......I can get very upset.......
This image has been stamped on acetate with staz on black ink and then on the reverse of the inked image, I have applied glue to the dress and I have used a dry brush to pick up some perfect pearl powder in Silver and Gold to apply to the dress.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Im shocked and sad...
I cannot remember exactly when I came across Bev's blog(crafty moments).I know that I added her to my favourite and I intended to add her to my blog list on my own blog as soon as I have done my make over.
I always go and visit her blog as I like to read what she is up to, what she has created and she is very talented.
The other day, I read on the inlovewithstamping website that She has passed away.I wasn't sure who they were talking about but had a feeling it might be her.So, I went on her blog.Her last post was on the 18th of December where she was talking about how excited she was that christmas was just around the corner, how she wasn't ready.Then couple of previous post about her plans for January '09, how much she would love to craft everyday...ect.She had plans.And under the comment section, her dad has posted to let us know she fell very sick, and that was on the 23rd.Then, afer that she has passed away.She was only 40.I was so shocked, and I couldn't believe it.
I am still under the shock, Im feeling so down and sad and cannot express how I feel as I have never met her, yet I feel as though I have known her.At least, I understood all her excitement about cardmaking as I am as excited as her.I felt her enthusiasm as she talks about all these beautiful things she makes with such happiness and energy.She was also so funny and I just loved reading her blog.And it saddens me to a great extent.I hope her blog stays as I can never get fed up of admiring her beautiful works.
I hope she rest in peace.Today we are here, tomorrow we are gone.
Take care everyone,
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Happy New Year 2009..and updates.
Hey everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well and had a fantastic time celebrating the New year.I have not been too well and not looking forward to go back to work next week:(
I would also seize this opportunity to remind all those who are concerned about the month of 'Muharram'(first month in the islamic calendar)and it is recommended that you fast on the 10th day, but it cannot be only one day, it has to be two consecutive days , including the 10th day(so either 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th).
Some of you will remember the long and agonising time when I was going through lots of medication and anti biotics just so doctors could find out why I was in so much pain(pain in my lowerback and tummy).Then I was diagnosed as having PCOS.I had an operation and everything.I did think, that was over and done with.But unfortunately, recently, PCOS is back.So , I haven't been feeling too good.I thought the new year will bring me health as the only thing I want is my health, that's all.But, I guess, I do not have any control over it.But to be honest, I can cope better as I understand clearly what it is, what are the symptoms, and I cope better with the pain, but it's just that, I do not want to even create during that time.I have my good days, and my bad days.So,I would like to apologise if I go quiet for a while.
Do subscribe so you get a newsletter as soon as I post something new.I would like to seize this opportunity to thank all my subscribers so far:)I didn't realise all of you have subscribed until I visited my account yesterday.I will email each one of you soon to thank you all...I know you will be reading this now, so thank you,your support means a lot to me.Special thanks again to Carol and Lazykay!!I really do appreciate the fact you always visit me.:)
I am not going to post anything today though I have one last project to post.It is a vintage card , yet elegant.So do come back soon to view it.
Okay bye for now and wish you all a healthy , prosperous and happy year.
Take care and see u soon,