Hi everyone,
I have now moved to http://www.craftytassy.typepad.com
Please pop over there to visit me.
Watch my video tutorial on youtube.My username is: tassycrafty
and the link to my channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/Tassycrafty
If you can still access this blog you can still browse through previous projects.But make sure you visit my new blog on typepad. I hope to see you there. You can subscribe to know when I am updating my blog as well....Don't leave your pc without visiting me on typepad because without your visit, comments and encouragement, I feel so sad:(
Bye for now,
Monday, July 20, 2009
I have moved!!!!!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Issues with my blog
Hi everyone!
I am still having issues loading my page of my blog.I have tired my best to try and solve it but to no avail....Sometimes, only the title and header appears....my counter has also disappeared.
I am moving to typepad and my address is http://www.craftytassy.typepad.com
The blog is up and running but you have to bear with me please as it is a bit different from blogger and I am learning slowly how to manaqe it.Plus I am super duper busy...I am running against time, but, I am running...
Hope to see you on typepad soon eventhough I know that if you cannot access this, how are you going to know I have moved to typead?
Lotsa love
Don't give up on me as I haven't given up on ya!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hi Everyone!
What's up guys? I still cannot upload my blog via Internet Explorer, so I am using it via Firefox. Traffic to my blog has slowed down drastically, which means, anyone using IE is indeed experiencing problems.
Anyway,I have already put up my typepad blog and I am trying to work my head around it. Though there are a few similarities with the settings and layout, typepad is different.Blogger seems so much easier but maybe I am used to it. So, pretty soon, I will have to say good bye to this blog I love so much and start afresh on Typepad. I will put up a link and I hope from the bottom of my heart that my followers will follow me there as well...I will keep a message at the top of my blog.
Now, coming on to Smirk Range. I am totally in love with this range. I found them to be pretty, cute, stylish, yummy. You want to eat them, they are so cute. I have made a video tutorial using them.Enjoy!
The pictures will have to wait...but the video is here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Crafty Individuals
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all keeping well. I have been under the weather with a cold/hay fever but I am all good to go now. I have been very annoyed with my blog recently since I couldn't load the page. I have Firefox now but I am also working on a new blog. So, bear with me.
A quick post to show the new video I have made.I would like to apologise for the quality this time since it was filmed at night and Istill do not have a decent desk lamp which will provide enough light. I need to think about this, seriously!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Panic in Blogland...
Hi everyone!
I have not been able to load my pages since a few days. It was frustrating and also, I was so scared that I have lost all my projects.
One of my friends asked me to download firefox and try opening my blog with it, so did I , and it is working. Basically, it is not being loaded on Internet Explorer so I believe anyone who has Internet Explorer should be having the same problem. And I didn't know until I received emails from friends saying they can't load my webpage of my blog.
Anyway, this is why I have not been around...now, it is time to decide...Do I upgrade to typepad or not? This is the question...I am thinking about it and meanwhile,I am going to try and load my blog via Firefox. So , sorry if you do not hear from me anytime soon.
I will try my best...
I am so confused right now so I don't even know what to say to you guys...I never expected to have this type of problems. But don't give up on me as I haven't given up on you!!!!
I am going to also give online classes....more info as soon as I can..
Take care
Lotsa love,
Visit Deb Company & Artist Friends
Friday, May 15, 2009
New subscriber and...
it is a Male!
lol...thank you Ysf from Canada for subscribing to my blog! how sweet of you:) I normally address my bloggers as Girls, I am going to show this and that, now I will make sure I remember I don't.
I hope you will enjoy my Art and Craft and above all, thanks for your support, means a lot to me.
Quick post this morning to say im off for work and speak to you all soon. Got more things coming up under my sleeves, but you will get to know as and when .Time seems to fly these days, don't they?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dimension Fourth
Hi there!
Hope you'll doing fine! Remember I told I have some rather exciting news but I couldn't tell you...? Well now I can! I designed some stamps for Dimension Fourth. You surely have heard about Dimension Fourth!There was a Stamping Essential Magazine which came FREE with the Papercraft Essentials Magazine(Issue 41)and you can read all about Aly Higginbottom , the co-owner of Dimension Fourth. She also demonstrates on Create & Craft TV.
It was lovely working with Aly and Roy. They have been very supportive.Further more, they have cute stamps, made from very good polymer, for many occasions. They also have an online stamping project club so check them out HERE.
Here are the stamps and as soon as they will be up on the DF website, I will let you all know, but meanwhile, why not take a browse and let your imagination runs wild!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Im surprised but happy to see more subscribers on my blog..Thanks and I am sorry I didn't welcome any new subscribers recentlyon my blog(this blog).If you have not subscribed yet, check out my right hand side bar link for subscription button, and all you need to do is click on it and just follow the quick and easy instructions...
Anyway, I have a few things lined up for you girls. I know I have not updated my blog a lot recently but I did warn you all that I am very busy at the moment. But I have realised I can also pre-scheduled some posts and thought , wow , this is fantastic..I can keep my blog alive even if I am away.So cool! I will work something out pretty soon, which means , even though you will see new posts, it doesn't mean I am posting it at that very time.So please forgive me if I do not get back to your comment or email straight away, but you all know eventually I will. Mostly, you can catch me on week ends. If you have some burning questions, email me and subject titled it 'urgent'.
Okay, here is a video tutorial I made couple of weeks ago...(sorry, never got round to upload). I hope you will enjoy it and rate , comment and susbcribe. I need your support to carry on making videos as I have explained before, this takes a lot of time and if I do not see many interests , then I will not make any more video tutorials but will keep blogging, of course.
So, this is my video tutorial and if you can double click to view it straight on youtube , that would be great.Take a minute, register with youtube, and susbcribe so you can be among the first to know when I am making new videos.Also, it will be an opportunity for you to support me by rating and subscribing...yesno?

I have used glossy card, Adirondack alcohol ink(Tim holtz), Distress ink(by Ranger), Stamp from Crafty individuals(www.craftyindividuals.co.uk), stamp from My Sentiment Exactly, Polka dots from Hero Arts, Ink and cardstock and embellishment and ribbon from stampin up. You will get to see step by step of how I have made this card by watching my youtube video tutorial but if you would like me to write it down, let me know:)
Bye for now and speak to you all very soon:)
Thanks for stopping by

Saturday, May 02, 2009
Hi everyone!
Hope all is good with all of you. Quick update:I have been super busy lately with work. I've been doing nothing but work work work and this long week end is going to be another busy one with birthday party to go to and friends coming over and what not! But , I will try to squeeze in my crafts somehow somewhere.Going to voice over a video in a bit...
Anyway, even though I hate the fact I cannot craft as much as I want, I love the buzz of being busy.I get very tired though - no gym or whatsoever, no time! But at least, my mind is busy and I don't have to think of the whys of so many things.
My heart goes out to my friend Laura who lives in Mexico. Laura you must be going through a difficult time as even though the swine flu hasn't reached your area and hope it will not, I know you are stressed about it. I watch the news everyday and the update does not sound too good. Some people has got it in the UK and there has even been a school closure so far. It is worrying but, let's have faith it will not be any more dramatic than what it is now. My heart goes out to those who died from this. Like it was said on the news, many people died from seasonal flu in the UK. When I first came to the UK in february couple of years ago, I had such a nasty flu and I knew then, that, the flu u might catch over here is not the flu I would get back home.Here it is really really bad.
And I have been sick mostly around winter time and I have never felt like this before, from flu.So I guess, yeah, I am worried about the swine flu as no matter where I am, if there is a break out of flu, I get it. So , could this reach me? But my husband said I should not worry about the ifs...by the way, its time for BBC news...Catch you guys laterrrrrrrrrrz.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
200 Subscribers on Youtube!:)
Hey guys, guess wot! Ive got 200 subscribers now on youtube! My 200th subscriber is buncobuddy and I did promise myself that if, IF, one day I do reach 200 subbies, the 200th one will receive a handmade card from me, anyone from my blog, or a specialised and personalised one. I honestly was not expecting that many subscribers.
I started making videos to prove a point to myself that I can do it after I have taken a 2 hours course at work on windows movie maker. Then , when I started, I was not confident and found it to be more of a hassle than anything.But I have had so many positive feedback, and encouragement , among which were from Cazzy and LazyKay:) that I carried on and then more and more positive comments came my way. The more comments I had, the more eager I was to make the videos.
It takes time to make, yes, on youtube its only ten mins, but when I actually make them, it takes longer and then I edit them.I am not very good at making them in one go. And to publish them on my PC takes about one hour or more and to then upload on youtube is another couple of hours...Okay fair enough when its being uploaded I can get on with other things, but, I still have to check whether it has failed and stuff and when it is finally uploaded, then I have to watch it again to add any notes ect...Anyway , I do enjoy making them so, I hope you do enjoy watching them as much as I do while making them.
Bye for now and I hope my luckly 200th subscriber will get back to me asap.
Lotsa love and hugs,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hi everyone!
Wot's up with you guys? Im not too bad, very very super busy right now.There are so many things going on and I find myself starting a project, leaving it unfinished to start a new one, lol! Anyway, lots of things happening in my life as well, busy as I have never been. I have exciting news coming up as well, but I really cannot say much right now but as soon as everything has been set up and running, I will let you guys know:)'too bad for those who are curious hey!'lol
I have two video tutorials just sitting in my desktop, about 4 projects ready to be uploaded, but I haven't found the time yet and this week is another busy week.So, bear with me okay? I know you will as you lorve my blog anyway!
I just wanted to give a shout out to Savannah , a beautiful young lady who makes beautiful cards and gives such useful tips in her video tutorials on youtube. She is great and I would like you to visit her channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/PolkaDotDesigns.You will find her blog address and twitter info on there as well.
The most amazing thing is she does NOT edit her video, so you will be watching her 'LIVE'...so you will see her working her way through a mistake, or see how she thinks on the spot, just amazing.
I am embedding a video here , watch it but please go over on youtube, watch it there , rate, comment and subscribe please:)
I think it will be great if you give her your support as she is very talented and trust me, she is still very young and I have so much faith in her and know that she will be even more famous one day!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My Etsy corner
Hi everyone!
I am very excited to announce that I have finally taken the plunge and opened up an Etsy corner shop where you can buy my cards, no matter, where you are in the world!I have to build up the shop and finding my ways around it but this is a link to the shop and hope you will like my shop!I also intend to put up some Art work later on.
Thanks for all your support.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thank you Laura
I just found this in my email from Laura, all the way from Mexico, how sweet is that.It makes me smile !!!!
Thanks Laura!!!!For making me feel so special!
Somebody's 32!
Hi everyone!
I have created this post for Laura who wanted to wish me a Happy Birthday:) And today it is my birthday , it is 00:01 and I am turning into a 32 young lady!
Speak to you all soon,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Art Journal Tutorial
Hi everyone, wot's up!
First of all, thanks for all your comments I did not know I had them until I signed in today, I have published them and will get back to you all soon....
I am going to add the Art Journal tutorial which took ages to be uploaded but in the end, I did it.
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think, always good to get any kind of feedback.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Craft Club
Hey everyone, how you're doing?!
First of all, thanks for your comments on my new look for my blog. I designed my header myself and now that I know how to do that, I am planning to design another header and make it more 'ME'. And also, Im chuffed to see that some of you have realised that my video quality is much better now.I have got an Everio JVC and it is fantastic. But I must also add that my desk was found in a corner of the room and the lighting was not great..so that is why my last two or three video was dark. But I did say I was working on it and now I am happy with it.
Anyway, on to the more exciting news. I have been to a first craft club tonight and it was so nice, relaxing and interesting.I met a new friend, who does not live too far away from me, and who loves crafting as much as I do, Fehmi, Im so happy to have met you:)
The craft club is awesome...I can see myself going again and everybody is so friendly.I loved it.If you live in East London and would like to know more about this craft club, send me an email and I can give you more details and info.
That's it from me for now. I am editing another video and hopefully it will be up soon. I also want to watch a film but I like scary ones...I do not think I have got any at the moment!
Bye for now and speak to you soon,
Carousel Note (Card request)
Hi everyone, what's up!
I have made another video tutorial yesterday and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. The watercolour technique just amazing. Even though I keep saying that oil painting is my best medium, I have also liked water colouring since high school.
Anyway, I have used Carousel note from Stampin up, the sentiment is from the stamp set 'simply said' , by stampin' up and ribbons also from stampin up. My watercolour pencils, I bought them at WHsmith(don't you love WHsmith?- I do!) and my water brush...hmm, I can't remember but you can get it at any good craft store. If you have any questions, please just ask.

Thanks for visiting me today:)
Take care

Monday, April 06, 2009
Tri-Fold card
Hi everyone!:) What's up!!!I have finally been able to upload this video and it took me ages, when I say ages, I mean ages. I have managed to get rid of the two black chunky lines which were on the sides of my videos.Thanks to Brickshot 7 , a youtuber(if that's what you call someone on youtube), who is brilliant with technologies.Check him out if you want to learn the tricks of the trade.And he is also very helpful.So thanks to him I have managed to upload my video in a widescreen mode(otherwise everything looks squashed) and yeah, so I hope you will enjoy this video tutorial.
I have used tempting turquoise cardstock, tempting turquoise and basic black ink from stampin' up and Ultimate crafters companion embossing board, scallop punch, All oval stamp set, Oval punches.And the sentiment is by My sentiments exactly but It was a gift given to me, so I am not sure if these alphabet stamp set is available in the UK, but I love the 'elegant' font of this set.
Anyway I am uploading another video shortly and it was a request from one of my faithful visitor on youtube:) I have a few other requests and hopefully I will get to make them, as , I am on holiday but many things have been lined up.I have also planned to rest as much as I can as this is what I need right now.But, the fact that I am at home, and not much to do, I am taking things slowly, one at a time and I feel really good to be able to indulge in my Craft world and forget all my worries. Crafting is so therapeutic that I think everyone should be crafting!!!
Oh, by the way, my blog is having another make over...I go through my moments where I do not like what I see anymore...but some months down the line, I bet I will not like the new one too, so bear with me.And thanks for visiting me today.
Bye and take care
Friday, April 03, 2009
Hi everyone!
Wot's up?! I was very disappointed today when the weather changed again, it was a bit cold in the morning...then in the afternoon, the bright sunshine was out again:) Eventhough I do not like the heat, I always had an issue with heat, this year, I am waiting so eagerly to the full sunshine that I will be very down if we dont get any proper summer in the UK this year.
Anyway, I will be on two weeks Easter break and I already have so much things to do...I just know the time will fly by, so I gotta make full use of these times.Anyway, I found a very funny video which I want to share with you...however I will also say, my family and friends always say I have a rather 'weird' sense of humour. I do not think so ,as I actually thinnk, 'they' have a 'weird' sense of humour as they laugh at me, when I do not expect them to and they are serious when I expect them to laugh, how about that!!!
Anyway if you find this video funny, if you share my sense of humour please comment so I know I am not the 'weird' one...and if I do not get any response, then it means, I am the odd one, sniff sniff!
I was watching this video, I started to smile, and then I was laughing so much and fell in love with the duck.I wish I could adopt it, hahahaha!
Have a nice week end
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Welcome summer....
Hi everyone!Wot's up?
I'm loving the sunny weather at the moment.It feels so good to leave my coat behind and walk in the warm breeze....it reminds me of a beautiful island...I'm so looking forward to warm,or even hot weather.It's the first time in my life I am so looking forward to hot weather.it must be the fact that we have winter for far too long in the Uk.
Anyway Happy Easter to everyone who is celebrating.Don't forget to send me Easter eggs.I prefer plain chocolate ones:).
Thank you to eveyone who rated and commented on my 'just a few cards' video.I have not put up a link as I am updating my blog from my phone and it is taking me forever to type this out.iPhone is great but I hate using it to type stuffs.If you
wanna see my video,check out my link right at the bottom of this page or type my user name which is tassycrafty on YouTube.I would like to add that all the requests you have asked me to do in regards to that video,I will certainly do them.I'm going on two weeks Easter break so I should be able to do them for you and thanks for requesting!I suddenly feel like a very important person;) LOL thanks girls love youz and I mean it.
Anyway, no update yet for my appointment and I'm taking each day at a time.Special message to ysf from Canada,thanks for checking up on me,and for keeping in touch.you're a real friend.Bear with me,will email you soon,promise:)good lord it took me nearly half an hour to type this LOL.never again !using a pc is much better!
Good night or good morning or evening or afternoon... Etc
Monday, March 30, 2009
Elegant Birthday Card
Hi everyone:)
I am still working on exporting MOD files to MPG, so that I have an extended video , rather than a squashed like one. Hopefully I have worked out the 'formula' and my next video should be better.Also, I will try and keep up the good resolution of an MOD file...so better quality of video should be achieved.And lastly, my sister promised to give me a day light desk lamp, so clearer video? I pray she reads my blog so she knows, I have not forgotten her promise to me(duh! it is about crafting, how can I forget, hahaha!)
Thank you to all my subscribers and those who have commented, I love you girlies and I mean it!:)You make everything worthwhile - so all the time I take to make the video, the editing and all the hard work I have put in this video seems to be nothing compared to the happiness you give me, so thank you.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hi everyone!
I am not sure if anyone is reading my blog anymore as I am not even updating at the moment. I am going through a very difficult time , health wise.I have had so many emails asking me about it , so I have decided to tell you what I know is going on right now.
I find it hard to talk about since I am still in an 'unknown' zone myself except for the fact that for the last two years, I have had a low glucose in my blood(very low) and no one picked it up.I will not start blaming my GP as most of the times I visited my GP, there was a new one there, so it would be hard for them to understand who they are dealing with.
But anyway,I have already collapsed two times and once in those two times I was on my own, and at first I thought I was going to be sick. I was lying down in bed, so I got up and went to the bathroom.Then I started to sweat, I was shaking and I collapsed. I must have been on the floor for a few minutes and when I woke up, I was shivering and I was cold as ice.It was in the middle of the night and my family was sleeping. I had no energy to call anyone.At that time, I thought of my mum, who once said to me, if you are alone and you are sick, or fainting or wotever, you have got to gather yourself up and do something for yourself.Because I was leaving home when I was 19 to go to Uni abroad, my mum was always worried about me.
So I remembered what she told me and managed to got up, and dragged myself in the kitchen to drink something. When I look back, I don't even know how I have done that. I also managed to go upstairs again, but it took me ages to get there.Once in my room, I just went to bed, feeling as though, I was outside my body(weird feeling I know!).
But the next mornning, I was fine.I was even wondering if that was only a nightmare!!But when I saw my glass of water next to my bed, I confirmed it wasn't!Then, after a few days, it happened at work....that feeling of going to be sick si so awful.But the feeling of losing control of your own body is worst. That was when I knew something was wrong. I did associate this with my PCOS but my blood test result revealed that besides the PCOS, there is this low glucose issues.
And, it is taking a lot of time before I can see a specialist to help me....too long.I am trying to get an earlier date of appointment...
So for now, I am just taking each day as it comes. Now, everything is so much clearer to me. I always used to wonder, why I was feeling the way I was, over the last year or so. And sometimes when I am at the gym, I cannot work out properly if I do not take an energy drink.And why sometimes, I come home from work, and flopped on a chair and feel as though, I will never move from that chair!Some people thought I was just faking it(oh yeah, some people did think that!).I don't really care, but it hurts.Anyway, the reason I am sharing this with you today is because, I want you to know, this is how you might feel if you have a low glucose level in your blood.And, sometimes, you might even feel as though you are very light headed, and nothing makes sense to you, in other words, you are just confused. And , do not let anyone tell you that the pain you are feeling , is not that painful, or the diziness you are getting is not diziness...You live with your body , you know your body.When a few months ago , I was told my blood result was fine, I didn't insist with the doctor.He said I was simply tired and gave me vitamins!
But the last time I went, when the doctor showed me my blood test results over the last two years(there were 6 blood tests result) on the computer screen, where the Low glucose has been highlited in red and called for attention, I just stared blankly at him.
I have no energy to query why someone neglected to take care of this.I have some energy right now to only try and sort it out.The doctor only said it is related to diabetes.This is fine too(well not really!), but what should I do? Meanwhile, how do I cope?
So, my appointment is in a months time, and all I can do is try and cope.I feel worst as the days are going by but I have good and bad days. My sister told me that all this is happening because I am turning 32 this year! I didn't understand what she meant, she explained that, when you hit 30, that's it, you start growing old and getting all sorts of complications...It then occured to me that she is turning 30 , so I think , she is having a middle age crisis, the fear of growing old. I don't blame her, i felt like that when i was 29! but , 32 is young! Isn't 32 the new 20 or something? And I have been through so much with my health, that nothing really bothers me.All I want is to try and sort it out, ASAP, so I can get on with life.
So, here is my story and I do hope that you will understand me. I am determined to keep trying and do some stuffs to keep my mind off things anyway. But after a week at work, I feel drained out by the week end!But I am hoping to put up a video and a card this week end, wish me luck!
Bye for now and feel free to email me if you have any advice you wanna give me or if you have any queries or request.
Bye for now and take care,
Do not give up on me as I have not given up on ya,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I am still around...
Hi everyone!
I just thought I would drop a few words today as I know I have been having more visits and comments while I was away.I would like to thank you all for that. And I love the emails where you guys asking me when I will be posting again soon..as It really melts my heart to know you care.
But however, I guess, I do not have great news.I know some of you will be very disappointed to know that I am not going to blog anytime soon. I mean , Mary, you asked me if I will blog next week and also for all of those who are asking me if I am okay and stuff....Well,no, I am not too good at the moment. You all know how much I love crafting and creating..you know that.But I have some health issues I have to deal with at the minute so, I cannot bring myself to craft even if I want to.I cannot go into details right now as I am still going under tests and all, but I will let you all know as soon as I have a clear-cut picture.For now, just pray I get back to be my old crafty self again.:)I think the hardest part is when I know, I have ideas buzzing in my head but just cannot put them into a project...
I miss crafting so much, I miss you all , I miss chatting, I miss blogging..and it goes on and on..I hope I will be back.
My sister came to London today and I spent a memorable day with her, at least that cheered me up. I wished she didnt have to go....but anyway, I am grateful for today, I am grateful for every minute I have on my hands...
Keep smiling and keep checking on my blog.
Do not give up on me as I have not given up on you.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Chipboard and request...
This is the card I was talking about.I have used a plain flower chipboard and I inked it using black ink.I have then used my heat gun to speed up the drying time and also to make sure it dries up completely as I intend to emboss it.Once dried,I have stamped the surface using Hero Arts dotty stamps(with embossing ink) then I poured over pink embossing powder. Then I heat embossed to reveal this nice dotty chipboard.I like the tactile effect of this.

Okay, now I have a request for you guys. I came across this 'Create A Card For Cancer Care' Campaign '09. You can read more about this HERE. You will find out how Do Crafts are participating in this campaign. You can make a difference.
I used to see this campaign over the last years or so but did not really stop to read, do not ask me why because I do not even know myself. And I know, I make cards for friends and family, I sell my cards too...so why can't I make cards and make a difference in somebody's life?The bag in which you can put your card and envelope is actually free.I got mine from stamps.co.uk while I was ordering a few bits and bobs.But you can get them at other partipating shops.I am going to put a link on my left hand side bar and please make sure to visit to read everything about this campagin. And if you can make a card to contribute to this campaign, please do so.I do not work for them, I am not in any way making any money by talking about this on my blog.I am doing so, only because I feel I should.And I am not imposing on you, just a 'request' and it will make me happy if I have managed to inspire or encourage you to do so...
Here is the free bag and also the card I am sending.But I have I hope to be getting more of those bags since I have decided I will send many more cards.I can make a difference, so will I - Can you?

Bye for now, I hope to be back soon and until then, keep well and do email me if you have any questions or request or just for a chat:)
Lotsa love,
God bless,
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hi everyone!
Hey there, I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend and keeping in good health.Okay, so, all I wanted to say was I might be away for a little while...
I already have a project which I would like to share with you.Hopefully I can do so tomorrow at some point during the day or evening.It is a tri-fold card and this will basically be the last card for now. I am sorry that I will not be updating my blog as often as I have been doing lately. Special message to all my subscribers and my regular friends , I hope you will not give up on me, as I haven't given up on you guys...Which means, I will be back, hopefully soon with more videos and projects.
I have been to do my blood test finally and apparently I might be allergic to 'gluten'.This is totally new to me so I will have to sit down and go through this and understand everything about it...but I am not sure yet since I have to wait a little bit more before the final verdict.I do not want to feel negative since I have been through a lot healthwise over the past few years...I want to be positive about it.So, if I have to go gluten free, so what? I can do that! I might shift more weight while doing so, who knows!lol.
And, lastly but not least, I am sorting a few things at the moment and even though, Art and Craft is my outlet, my ME time, where I unwind and which keeps me sane...I cannot do any cards right now, or any Art.If you are a cardmaker, you do know, it is time consuming, and the video tutorial takes even more time...So I am taking a little break just so I can sort some other 'stuffs' out, then I will be back.If you have subscribed, you will know when I have updated my blog.If you haven't subscribed yet, please do so..(It is not an option!)----Joking!And keep subscribing to my channel on youtube, which you will find right at the bottom of this page.The more subscribers, the better.And if you do not want to subscribe, then add this page to your favourite and do not forget to come back and visit me...tea and biscuits are available , 24/7, on request :))So,do visit me when you have a chance.
Alright then,
Bye for now and take care....
Will put the card tomorrow and laterrrrz!:)
Lotsa luv,
Friday, February 20, 2009
Love to you
Hi there,
I have made a card which I have decided to call a Poem-Inspired Card. I have always loved poetry and loved the fact that each person can interpret a poem in a different way. I came across the sentences below and it inspired me to make this card.It would be great if you can play along and see how this extract from this poem can inspire you...If you do, please put a link in the comment section so I can see what you did.Thanks for visiting me today and stay and play...
It must be love, pure, constant, undissembled."
Aphra Behn (1640–1689) from "And Forgive Us Our Trespasses"
Thursday, February 19, 2009
At last...!
Dear Kay and Carol!
Guess wot? I bet you never will...lol.Yesterday I have put your parcels in the post! yoohooo!Finally, but, seriously girls, you have been so patient with me that I feel embarassed to even celebrate the fact that I finally managed to do it!So keep an eye on your post man, he should bring you the suprise shortly.
I went on my Girls night out yesterday and watched 'He is so NOT into you'...OMG, I lorrrrve this movie, absolutely hilarious, absolutely my kinda film.You girls should watch it...:)
And look what I found in my inbox today!And yeah this is something I have realised too, so thank you Mariam for sharing this with me, lol...
Bye and look out for some more projects today...oops,I was meant to keep silent!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So sorry...:(
Hey there,
Today I am going to share a card I have made and it is specially for my sister Saju, who was a bit upset with me yesterday.We were exchanging emails and I said something which made her upset.I think she said it hurt her...and I had no intention to do so.I love her more than I can explain and she said it herself that I am the 'Misunderstood Artist' as people seem to misunderstand me a lot....But however, I guess, she has been a victim this time!
I feel so sorry for myself as sometimes I say things and people take it in another way.But those who know me very well, know that, the last thing on my mind is to hurt the people I love.And Saj, I know that you already know I had no intention of hurting you by talking about DQ...and I am so sorry.I told you I was going to make a card and I made this for you...until I meet you and give it to you.It is a matter of days now before we meet and I cannot wait anymore...Love you lots and hope this makes you smile.You said that , when I will become a celebrity one day , then you will be in my newsletter...but I ain't no celebrity...(yet!lol) and I am telling you how much you mean to me on my blog and even though the whole world doesn't read it, it is coming from a yet-to-be celebrity, so you should be proud, lol!